EW Simulation



Leonardo Canada – Electronics (LCE) is a leading Electronic Warfare (EW) capability provider, with capabilities spanning across EW threat analysis, ECM, ECCM, modelling, testing, integration, and training products. LCE is supported by the Leonardo Electronics Division, a world leader in the provision of EW products, EW capability, EW services and EW training which spans operations in Canada, the United Kingdom (UK) and Italy. 

As pioneers in Electronic Countermeasure (ECM) capability, Electronic Counter-Countermeasure (ECCM) capability, and algorithm development, Leonardo Canada – Electronics takes a leading role in the dynamic field of EW and synthetic environments. Our commitment to excellence positions us at the forefront, ensuring that our clients receive cutting-edge solutions tailored to meet the evolving challenges in electronic warfare.


Product Overview

Newton - Electronic Warfare (EW) Modeling and Simulation (M&S) tools for air, land and naval engagements between single or collaborating platforms equipped with defensive aid systems, combat management systems or integrated self-protection suites defending against multiple multi-mode threat systems.

Leonardo is a global leader in Electronic Attack, Electronic Protection and Electronic Support tools and technologies used globally in support of operations, research, training, tactics development, product assessment and platform configuration.

Newton is a powerful multi-domain physics-based modelling and simulation framework. Newton models Electronic Attack, Protection and Support equipment enabling users to evaluate and assess both single and coordinated attack and protection measures and how they can be utilized during an engagement with a kinetic effector (aka gun or missile).

Use Cases


Newton provides flexible, low-cost and open engagement simulation solutions for:

  • Electronic Warfare Operational Support (EWOS) and Integrated Reprogramming Centers
  • Development of sovereign countermeasures (CM) expertise
  • Solutions employing STANAG 6545, Common Electromagnetic Order of Battle Exchange Format
  • EW Education Institutes and Training Academies
  • Development of effective self-protection tactics for improved survivability
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of EW systems
  • Software-In-The-Loop (SWIL) Simulations
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop Test and Evaluation
  • OT&E support
  • C-UAS threat assessment and planning tool
  • Communications and Datalink modelling
  • Reproducing EW theatre phenomena
  • Operator Training in ESM, ECM, ECCM, or RWR systems
  • Training in all aspects of EW involving electronic protection (EP), electronic attack (EA), electronic support (ES), avoidance, targeting, and any tactical employment of forces involving EW.

Newton simulation products, currently in their fifth generation, provide a standardized architecture, including uniform module interfaces across all Newton product classes. The modular Newton architecture provides ease of use for the end-user who may wish to manipulate certain aspects of the simulation to incorporate proprietary or classified algorithms or concepts and, advanced closed-loop analysis.

Technical Specifications


Newton provides Electronic Warfare (EW) Modeling and Simulation (M&S) tools for air, land and naval engagements between platforms equipped with integrated defensive aid suites, a combat management or a self-protection suite defending against multiple multi-mode threats.


An operational planning and assessment tool to quantify the effectiveness of Counter - Uncrewed Air Systems (CUAS). Operational deployments will experience varying unknowns and RF environments degrading the detection of UAS and leaving deployed ships, aircraft, vehicles, and personnel susceptible to hostile actors.

Skytender enables decision making superiority and improves asset protection by quantifying the effectiveness of deployed C-UAS systems, against potential threats; within the specific physical and electromagnetic deployment AOR.

System Features

- Accurately quantify the effectiveness of multiple C-UAS systems

  • Analyze sensor coverage based on sensor deployment location(s)
  • Understand the RF emissions of systems in space due to the environment, buildings and antennas
  • Optimize sensor placement within a known region of interest - including determining common coverage areas between multiple sensors.
  • Evaluate jammer behavior and jamming techniques including event-driven control, co-ordination and multi-band jamming.
- Enhance situational awareness and threat assessment:
  • Determine optimal tactics, and techniques based on known potential threat types.
  • Identify points of vulnerability to varying threats  and likely vectors of attack.
  • Simulate UAS swarms and coordinated attacks.
- Simplified user experience
  • Pre-configured library of CUAS sensor and effector assets available to operators to use in simulation scenarios with minimal data entry required.
  • Intuitive modern user interface.
- Allows scenarios to be configured and simulated in minutes
  • Web-based UI minimizes training burden.
  • 2D & 3D mapping for intuitive visualization of the simulated scenarios/engagement.

- Define, train and Disseminate Counter-UAS preplans and SOPs.

  • Use of simulation and replay features for tailored mission rehearsal.
  • Visual representation of the mission scenario and potential engagements can be used for mission briefing.
  • Reduced need for site surveys

Comprehensive Drone Defense

Drawing upon over 100 years of Leonardo experience and LCE’s 30+ years of expertise in electronic warfare simulation, Skytender provides operators with an innovative scalable capability to optimise the detect, track and identify functions of their layered CUAS solutions, enabling them to plan, test, rehearse and refine CUAS mitigation options to neutralise drones of all types and sizes both acting alone or as part of a swarm. As with all of Leonardo’s electronic warfare capabilities, the CUAS Planning and Assessment Tool is backed by comprehensive training and support services, ensuring readiness and effectiveness worldwide.

Maximize CUAS Success

  • Optimize hardware placement in congested locations.
  • Evaluate impact of topology, line of sight, field of regard, angle of attack, threat type on equipment performance.
  • Identify vulnerabilities and need for complementary equipment to form multi-layered defense.
  • Inform CUAS equipment selection and procurement decisions.

Optimize protection of Personnel, Platforms, Equipment, and Infrastructure

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